Introduction Carnatica is committed to a practice which protects vulnerable people from harm. This Policy details organisational behaviour and best practice which is applicable to all Carnatica’s ‘Employees’ – those who work with us on a permanent, part-time, freelance, or voluntary basis, to include Carnatica’s Board of Trustees.
Safeguarding is a matter of attitudes as much as policies and Carnatica is committed to an attitude that allows for client-friendly practice as much as client-safe practice. We will do all we can to limit risk, whilst maximising the engagement of our Employees with our client group.
We will safeguard vulnerable people by:
Adopting child and vulnerable person protection guidelines through a code of behaviour for Employees.
Sharing information about child and vulnerable person protection with Employees and related persons, e.g., carers, parents, guardians, etc.
Sharing information about concerns with relevant agencies who need to know and involving related persons and vulnerable persons appropriately and doing so in a swift and appropriate manner.
Following carefully the procedures for safer recruitment and selection of all company Employees.
Providing effective management for Employees through supervision, support and training.
Making this Policy available to all Employees, and accessible on our website.
Reviewing this Policy annually and reflecting on any reports made, reviewing the effectiveness of the reporting process every quarter.
The Policy has been agreed with the Board and is fully supported by our Board of Trustees.